Improve Your FTP: Video & Session Three of Three

Improve Your FTP: Part Three of Three


Welcome to the final part of our three part series to help you improve your FTP and build a training week. In case you missed the first two sessions, Matt discussed why we use FTP as a metric for improvement & why training indoors gets better results than outdoor rides (even though the end result is riding out in nature). You can find the first session HERE. In session two Matt went through how to structure the week and the importance of rest. You can find that HERE.


In this video we will look into:


 – The Golden Nugget of how to stick to your plan.

 – Finalising your week’s training plan.

 – How very short, super max sprints can give you the quickest results.

 – Session three: Standing Starts.



Action points from this video


 – It’s over to you now. Commit to the session and try and replicate the same week next week with the same 3 sessions with a weekend ride.


 – Download the Zwift workout file in the email (follow these instructions to get files onto Zwift).


 – Schedule 1hr for the workout over the next two days & plan your unstructured, fun weekend ride.


 – Let us know how you get on (use #sportivebreaks & #roweandking), if you have any questions feel free to DM us on FB or Insta


 – Check your emails tomorrow for information on joining The Ride.


Enjoy the session, it should be hard the first time you do it but persevere and it will get easier. We look forward to hearing how you got on and we will see you on the next video.

Phil & Matt.